Sunday 27 January 2013

Day 20

Today was a beautiful day spent hiking on the slopes of a mountain trail. So many colourful flowers and interesting rocks, sometimes Mother Nature astounds me.

But this hike was even more interesting than any of my previous hikes in that I decided to share my special place, my peice of heaven, with Rango. You see hiking is something I like doing, not something that Rango would specifically do, but he made a compromise and joined me. For me hiking is very therapeutic. It is almost as if with each step you take you are letting go of the old and accepting the new. I also think the subconscious deals with the weeks events and replays conversations whilst the body is in transit, which allows for clearer thinking and new perspective. Or perhaps it's just the clean, fresh mountain air or combination thereof.

We took our two little furry babies with us which made it even more special. They had the opportunity to run free because of the isolation of the reserve. To watch their glee, curiosity and pure joy at being liberated from their shackles and delight their senses is something incredible to observe. They truly are mans best friend and lifelong companions. Willing to walk by your side no matter what! All the while the bond between man and dog strengthing. Hiking is a very healing and intimate process to share with your companions, whether they be human or animal and I for one am happy to say that we did it.

Back at my "holiday" apartment I have calculated that I have less than two weeks rental time left and need to start considering in earnest what my next move will be. Do I move back home and try to start again? Will relations revert to old "die hard" habits or will we have found a new connection now? Will the space and energy have had enough time to heal and accept our newly established boundareis? All these questions are difficult to answer with the mind, one needs to listen very closely and very quietly to the heart to hear the answer.......... So my next quest is to start Transcendental Meditation. I will let you know how this experience plays out in posts yet to come.

Good night dear readers. May your week be kind to you and may you find beauty in the small things that really count the most.

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