Friday 25 January 2013

Friday Nights

It's weird you know. Ever since my separation I have spent every Friday night by myself, at home reading or phaffing over something or other. I thought that I would choose to be out and about, socializing and having fun but its been quite the opposite. I have become accustomed to my own company and the silence that permeates my evenings in my little "holiday" apartment.

Tonight I decided to go to gym to while away the hours. Something I have been doing quite a bit of in the last three weeks but previously couldn't find a spare moment for. I have been pondering why this could be and what changes within me that I feel more free to do these things when alone. The only cause I can think of is that I feel responsible for only myself whilst living alone whereas in my marital home, I feel the full weight of all my responsibilities and somehow feel guilty for taking time out for myself. This is something I need to work on, especially if I am to return to my marriage and make it work. I have to be able to continue putting myself first to allow for our marriage to survive. Strange dichotomy that.

On the other hand, I may discover that I want to remain in a place of my own and perhaps just "date" my husband again for a while. I wonder what societies rules are for that? It would no doubt seem very strange to others that Rango and I are married yet live in separate homes. I wonder if there are any precedents for this sort of thing? I guess it doesn't really matter what others think, it's all about what's best for us and what makes us happy. Nevertheless, I would be interested to hear if anyone has ever tried this out and what the outcome was.

Tomorrow marks the second session of our Imago Relationship Therapy session and I am eager to see how this pans out. The first one went well with Rango and I having to engage what is called the Couples Dialogue. Essentially it facilitates the one partner entering your realm to have a better understanding of how he/she feels about a certain issue and for the learning partner to truly empathize. It was ground breaking stuff but we lost the connection as soon as we went our separate ways again. I am hoping tomorrow will be different as we have decided to spend the afternoon and evening together so we will have hopefully maximized the full potential of the session. I will keep you posted on the results.

Until the next post dear readers, stay well and have a wonderful weekend. Remember to appreciate each moment you have, the good and the bad, for the most growth is found in the most difficult of situations.

Ciao and good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I accidentally found the book and when I came to the part about fusor/isolator, googled a bit and again accidentally ran into this blog. I read, pause, astonishingly find that I almost feel exactly the same way, though our nationality and age might differ, the "fusor" in me feels strongly connected. So wish the therapy goes well with you, wish you happiness!