Monday 14 January 2013

Day 7

It has now been exactly one week since I left my home and my family. It has been a difficult week and probably one of the slowest in a long time, but I feel I have learnt more about myself in this one week than I have in a year!

I am not going to say too much in this post except to highly commend Dr. Harville Hendrix for writing one of the most enlightening books on relationships I have read to date! The book is called "Getting the Love You Want" and is so insightful I think it might just save my marriage. Both Rango and myself are reading the book in our desperate attempts to sustain what we have left in our relationship. We're both recognising so much the book talks about in both ourselves and each other it feels like someone has turned up the lights and I can finally see properly. And, for the first time in years, my husband is understanding what I have been trying to tell him. I feel like throwing my arms up in the air and screaming: "Hallelujah!!!!" And I am not religious!

In addition to the book, there are therapists trained in this very unique technique called Imago Relationship Therapy that Dr Hendrix has developed over the last thirty odd years. So many therapies today focus on the individual and all that happened in the individuals past, blah di blah di blah di fish paste.... one starts to yawn at the thought of the amount of time wasted in these therapies that just never seem to do any good. Instead, this Imago Relationship Therapy focuses on the relationship itself and teaches us to understand why we do the things we do, and what causes the relationship to go wrong once there is a commitment from both parties (sound familiar?) Fascinating stuff! And I am only eighty pages into the book but I will certainly keep you posted on further developments.

I bid you adieu tonight with the first glimmer of hope on the horizon .... let's hope its not an oncoming train ...... :)

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